Yes or No: Are You Dressing Up for Halloween? – Home Ever After
Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? I’m a huge planner for Halloween – everything from the décor to the creepy Halloween food has to be just right. The one thing that falls by the wayside every year for me – mostly because I run out of time or can’t decide – is my Halloween costume.
I spend so much time getting all the kids ready for the Halloween harvest carnival in their costumes that I run out of time. I’m lucky if I can pull together a quick Halloween makeup look and hairstyle (with no costume) before we leave the house for trick or treating.
Do you have this problem too? Or do you plan your costume far in advance, order your costume accessories in September, and leave plenty of time to get yourself ready on Halloween? Let me know in the comments!
BTW: Those cute adult onesies above are some superhero Halloween costumes/jammies I found at Walmart, featuring Batman and Wonder Woman. So in case you’re way too pressed for time to dress up, you can just put on your PJs and trick or treat the night away!
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