Wine Servers – Buy Custom Amish Furniture | Amish Furniture for sale in Coates, MN | Amish Showroom
Wine Servers
A good wine server is just what you need to finish off your dining room. They have a classic look, and of course make it simple to store and serve wine to go with your meal. Want to pick the right one for your home? Here’s what to look for in a wine server.
Easy Wine Storage
All good wine servers should, of course, have ample space for you to store wines. You can choose one with a wine rack included, so bottles can be stored and accessed as needed. For example, the Butler’s Wine Rack we offer has an optional wine rack right in the center, so you can place in all the wines you want to offer with your evening meal.
Wine Glass Storage
As well as the wines, you need ample glass storage. When you have both, pouring a glass right at the table is easier than ever. Again, the Butler’s Wine Rack has an overshelf top that has racks for your glasses. The Dillon Wine Server also has a stemware rack, that sits right above the wine rack. This allows you to access everything you need, quickly and easily.
Plenty Of Storage
As well as wine racks and stemware racks, you may want lots of storage in your wine server. It’s not just wine that you’ll want to keep in it. You can keep napkins, china, cutlery, anything you want in a good server. It keeps everything on hand, so you don’t have to keep running back to the kitchen during a meal.
That’s why we ensure all our servers have lots of drawers and cabinet space, so you can store what you need in them.
Customization Options
Once you’ve found a wine server you like, here at the Amish Showroom you can customize it. This will allow you to make the server fit in with any other pieces you have in your home already.
For example, take a look at our Connor Sideboard. You’ll be able to choose the wood type, as well as the stain. You can select the hardware too, so the finished piece will be unique to you.
Finding The Right Wine Server For You
Ready to start looking into wine servers for your home? The best first step is through our website and social media pages. These will show you the options we have, and how they fit into your home. Follow out Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube accounts for more.
You can call us to find out more, as we’re always happy to help you select a piece for your home.
The right wine server will add the finishing touch to your dining room, and make it feel complete. As well as this, it’s a highly functional piece that allows you to have everything you need within arm’s reach. Pick up your wine server from the Amish Showroom today, and you’ll be able to enjoy a glass of wine with your evening meal, without leaving the table.
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