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Led Grow Light

Viparspectra P2000 LED grow light review | A good quality & efficient budget grow light

Blog post review: The Viparspectra P2000 is an excellent small grow light for the money. The Viparspectra P series are a very nice design, great build quality, good efficiency and packed with lots of features such as on board dimming and coated LEDs for protection from dust and moisture. XS series Amazon US: (5% Discount Code: ViparMIGRO) XS Series Amazon Canada: (5% Discount Code: ViparMIGRO) XS1000 10% off Code: VP10MIGRO Pro series Amazon US P600/P1500/P2500: (5% Discount Code: ViparMIGRO) P1000/P2000/P4000: (5% Discount Code: ViparMIGRO) Pro series Amazon Canada P600/P1500/P2500: (5% Discount Code: ViparMIGRO) P1000/P2000/P4000: (5% Discount Code: ViparMIGRO) Viparspectra EU shop: (5% Discount Code: MIGRO) Viparspectra UK shop: (5% Discount Code: MIGRO) Overview The Viparspectra have moved on from making ‘blurple’ LED grow lights with this new P series. It is a very welcome change and I am happy to see no more of the noisy box fan LEDs emitting purple light. The Viparspectra P2000 is a 200watt LED grow light suitable for a 4ft x 2ft (120cm x 60cm) space. It has all the features you would want including: High Efficiency High quality LED driver by SOSEN Full spectrum (grow from seed to harvest) LEDs protected with a silicone coating On board dimming from 5% to 100% output Recommended Coverage: 4ft x 2ft (1.2m x 0.6m) At 200 watts the P2000 is specified for a 4ft x 2ft or 1.2m x 0.6m grow area. Features The fixture is very high quality in construction, easy to setup and hang and has on board dimming LEDs and Spectrum output The Viparspectra uses cool white 5000K and warm white 3000K LEDs as well as 660nm reds and far red LEDs to deliver a balanced Full spectrum designed for full cycle growing from seed to harvest MIGRO Test results The power consumed at the wall was 197 watts and the average PAR of 547 µmols/m²/sec in a 4ft x 2ft (1.2m x 0.6m) grow area means the Viparspectra P2000 has a real world system efficiency of 2.00 µmols/watt (usable PPF/watt). A very good result for a grow light in this price range. Shop MIGRO ARAY (global shipping): Our Amazon US store (Free US shipping): Bulk orders: Contact us at [email protected] for a quotation Follow us: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: #migrolight #viparspectra #ledgrowlight

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