Thank you for your patience while I’ve been catching up with myself – life has got in the way, and I’m sorry for the delay in announcing winners and getting their pieces published.
One of the super exciting things I’ve been working on meanwhile is running a winter writing course on Memoir with Oxford Writing Mentors, I hope you’ll excuse a quick plug before we get on to other competition news!
Oxford Writing Mentors – winter writing course
Saturday 3-Tuesday 6 December 2022
Worcester College, Oxford, UK
Tutors: Alison Light, Kate Kennedy, Tony Gray, Alice Little
The Oxford Writing Mentors winter course is for writers working on a memoir, including personal memoir drawing on your own experience, family memoir, or an account of someone else’s life.Whether you’re writing for publication or just for yourself, over four days you will be encouraged to advance your work-in-progress.
The course includes a mixture of workshops, talks, structured writing sessions, and one-to-one mentoring to help you progress with your work. Participants will benefit from individual guidance from our tutors and feedback from peers, all while immersed in the inspirational surroundings of Oxford.
More info and registration here.
Competition news
The last time you heard news from the Didcot Writers competition I was announcing the winners of our Jan-March competition, Look Both Ways. You can see that announcement here, and the winning pieces are soon to be scheduled for publication on the site.
New announcement of winners!
Since then we had our April-June theme, Just One Word, the winners are:
Winner: The abjection of loneliness, by Kathryn Wills
Reader’s Choices:
Why use just one word when three hundred and seventy six will do? by Caroline Prance
Twenty-Twenty Vision, by Kevin Hopson
Ring, Ringer, Ringing.
Who came first? by Rosalinda Ruiz Scarfuto
Just One Perfect Word, by NC Roseveare
Congratulations to all – I’ll get these scheduled to publish after the Look Both Ways set.
For our July-September theme, Stars, the pieces are with our Reader now and I will let you know when I hear back.
New competition theme
Our theme for October-December is Haunted.
Whether your piece is set in a haunted house or features a character haunted by their past, whether your work is narrated by spirits – or spirits the reader away to a different plane, we look forward to reading your entries! (We welcome entries in all genres – not just ghost stories – and your piece can be set at any time of year and doesn’t have to be about Halloween or Christmas.)
Find out more and read full guidelines here.
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