The Western Boomerang
At first, I wanted to post several sketches dehumanizing Russians made in the mainstream genre of propaganda passing for comedy. Then I’ve decided not to promote such content here because it wasn’t even funny. Propaganda is an inseparable part of popular culture. Thus, it can tell much – not about its subject but the culture and society that gave birth to this type of propatainment (propaganda + entertainment). My conclusion doesn’t make me happy. To be honest, I’m a bit botanichesky sad: I think it’s a structural thing. It’s not a Western bug, it’s a feature. And it’s worse than the Soviet one. At least, the latter wasn’t dehumanizing peoples of the West, only ‘capitalists’. But hey, it’s not racism if it’s directed towards Russians, right?
People who leave in classy houses shouldn’t throw spears. Moreover, when it’s not a spear but a boomerang.
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