The Holistic Homestead, Health Starts at Home, Here’s to your Health!
The Community Food Shares started in 2018 with a few crates of organic veggies. Now we have a whole cooler to fill with a variety of the best quality organic fruits and veggies, and we are receiving several cases of produce every week!
help us keep this cooler FULL – buy your January shares today!
Believe it or not, we still depend on the Community Food Shares to keep our cooler stocked! As a nonprofit dedicated to making fresh, healthy, organic food accessible and affordable, we rely on the Community Food Shares to give us the working capital to make this possible. So far this month I only have 10 shares sold….that’s not enough to keep us in business. WE NEED 20 MORE SHARES TO KEEP THIS GOING – CLICK HERE to buy your shares online, or get your share next time you’re in the Market!
How do the Community Food Shares work?
1. Members pre-pay for a full or half share of produce on a month by month basis, $40/month for full shares and $20/month for half shares. (Buy 6 months at a time and get a 25% discount!) The VALUE of what your getting is AT COST – there is no better deal for super fresh organic produce anywhere on the mountain! The Community Food Share program is year-round ensuring our whole community has access to fresh, healthy food even through the winter.

here is a beautiful half share from last summer
2. Right now, full shares get this much TWICE a month: 8 pieces of fruit (mix and match! today this includes dates, bananas, apples, oranges, Roma tomatoes OR one package of berries) 2 pounds of greens (like lettuce, green beans, Brussel sprouts, tomatoes, basil, mushrooms, peppers, etc) and 5 pounds of roots (including onions, potatoes, garlic, ginger, carrots, yams, Brussel sprouts). Shares often get extra goodies depending on seasonal availability – the fall harvest of squash is always abundant!
3. Pick up your shares twice a month (we did it this way to spread out the amount of produce that you are getting, so you’re fruits and veggies are always super fresh!) Most folks alternate weeks, so they pick up either on the first and third weeks or the second and fourth weeks of every month. “Pay once, pick up twice.” (we also offer curbside and delivery –> call us at 303.582.3001)

4. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies! Be healthier! Eat with the seasons! Enjoy the bounty of local harvests! Support sustainable local agriculture! LAST YEAR the CFS directly supported 15 local farms – and the local food movement is growing BECAUSE OF THE HOMESTEAD’S COMMUNITY FOOD SHARE (that’s YOU!).
….but, all this goodness can’t happen without your participation. We urgently need to sell 20 more full shares for January (or 40 half shares, or any combination of the two) to keep this goodness going and growing! If you’ve done the CFS in the past, NOW is the time to give it another try! If you’re new to the Homestead, NOW is the time to take advantage of this Member’s ONLY program! CLICK HERE to buy your January share online, or come into the Market anytime WE’RE OPEN TUES-SUN 10-4.
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