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The 11th Hour, Episode #34: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

The 11th Hour, Episode #34: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch


The 11th Hour is a podcast where two dudes in their 40s discuss a different Rancid song each week. They reflect on their lives, their (inexplicable) fandom, and why certain parts of our youth continue to hold meaning beyond simple nostalgia. Is it a midlife crisis or honest self-reflection? Join us on a journey to the end and find out. Follow along on Twitter or Instagram and find The 11th Hour on your favorite streaming/podcast app (Stitcher, Apple, Spotify, etc) – and, of course, always on Foxy Digitalis.

Episode #34: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

The height of absurdity that requires a real suspension of disbelief to get through, what else could be the Xmas week pick? To be fair, the guys love it in all its ridiculousness. Happy holidaze everyone!

Brad Rose is the the principal writer and editor-in-chief of Foxy Digitalis, an online music magazine and has run various DIY record labels for the last 30 years. Sam Melancon runs Debacle Records, an experimental record label out of Seattle, WA.

Foxy Digitalis depends on our awesome readers to keep things rolling. Pledge your support today via our Patreon or subscribe to The Jewel Garden.

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