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The 10 Best Excel Shortcuts for Accountants

💥 Get Your Shortcuts Cheat Sheet: »» 📗 Get Your Video Workbook Template Here: »» 🎯 10 ways you could spend less time using your “favourite” tool of the trade and get more free time. You use it every day, so why not claw back some time with these shortcuts? 📒 In this Excel Shortcut Keys tutorial you will learn the most useful shortcut keys for accountants. The Excel keyboard shortcuts you will learn are: Formulas & calculation in MS Excel, how to do a sum of all data in a column, row, table or any block of cells in Excel. This quick sum in Excel is called AutoSum. The shortcut key for total sum in Excel is ALT + = (i.e. hold down ALT and hit the = key). This will AutoSum Excel data above or next to the active cell and give you a quick sum. I will give you AutoSum help where your Excel sum has the wrong result in this Excel AutoSum video. An Excel SUM gives the wrong answer if data is hidden or filtered so I will show you how to SUM filtered rows only using the subtotal shortcut key in Excel. The Excel subtotal shortcut key is the same as the AutoSum Shortkey Key ALT+= and automatically changes to SUBTOTAL 9 when it detects filtered rows. Excel number formats. There are many Excel number format shortcuts but it is best to learn the ones you use most first. In this video I show you data formatting shortcut keys such as the general number format keyboard shortcut, currency symbol format, percentage format in Excel and date format Excel shortcut…all very useful Excel data formatting shortcuts. These format cells Excel shortkeys and data formatting shortcuts will save you a whole load of time once learnt. Entering date and time in Excel. You will learn the shortkeys for how to enter current date and time in Excel and create a timestamp in Excel that doesn’t change. These shortcut keys today’s date in Excel and a time stamp in Excel can be combined to add current date & time in the same Excel cell. Entering time in Excel without a date is a simple keypress of CTRL + SHIFT + ; and entering today’s date in Excel is CTRL + ;. Learn these keyboard shortcuts to quickly enter the current date in Excel and also quickly enter the current time in Excel. Undo and redo in Excel. The undo shortcut key in Excel is CTRL+Z and the redo shortcut key is CTRL+Y. CTRL + Z means the Excel keyboard shortcut for undo and will allow you to undo move Excel or undo any Excel action. Excel CTRLY will redo the last thing undone….ie. it can undo the keyboard shortcut undo in Excel. Create Excel charts. There are 2 main Excel chart shortcuts shown in this video. The Excel chart shortcut key to create a chart in a new sheet is F11, and the Excel chart shortcut key to create a chart in the same sheet is ALT+F1. These Excel chart shortcuts will save you a lot of time. Data formatting shortcut keys can be used after CTRL+1 (format cells Excel shortkey / key to open format cell). Excel data formatting shortcuts include the shortcut key to text formatting, general number format keyboard shortcut, percentage format in Excel, currency symbol format in Excel, and general number format in Excel. All these data formatting shortcuts can be accessed from the format cells dialog shortcut to give some great Excel data format shortcuts. How to insert and delete rows and columns in Excel. This video demonstrates the shortcut key to insert/delete rows & columns in MS Excel, how to insert rows in Excel, how to add multiple rows in Excel and how to insert columns in Excel. To insert and delete rows and columns in Excel click the column letter or row number block to highlight the row or column, and then use the shortcut key to delete columns & rows or shortcut key to insert columns & rows. This is how to insert rows in Excel between data, how to add Excel columns, or delete columns and rows in Excel. ====================================================================================== #Up4Excel #Up4ExcelShortcuts #Up4ExcelIntermediate ====================================================================================== Here at Up4Excel we’re on a mission to help YOU: » Get your Excel skills UP and your task time DOWN » Focus on shortcuts and fast impressive results » Improve your productivity and free up your time Everyone will assume you work 24 hours a day to produce the kind of output you’ll be producing in no time…. with the help of Up4Excel training. You get new video releases every week, packed full of ways to save time and impress those around you. 💎 Don’t miss out and fall behind….. 🅾 SUBSCRIBE NOW 🅾 ====================================================================================== 💥 Get a Shortcuts Cheat Sheet: »» 🔓🔑 Remove Excel File Open Passwords: »» 🎁 Your small gift will help me make better videos for you and others. Thank You:

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