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Prepping With Chronic Pain: 5 Special Considerations - Apartment Prepper
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Prepping With Chronic Pain: 5 Special Considerations – Apartment Prepper

Written by Martin Banks

These days, prepping has become more necessary than ever. War and economic uncertainty are both ongoing. A pandemic and civil unrest have been around for nearly three years. These scenarios require you to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but that’s easier said than done if you have a disability.

Chronic illnesses are more common than you think in the United States. More than 130 million Americans suffer from at least one, and many have two or more. These illnesses challenge those who want to train for SHTF scenarios but have a more challenging time. Use this guide to learn about five special considerations for prepping with chronic pain.

1. Do Meal Prepping

Chronic conditions can make daily tasks like cooking much more challenging. Some days are manageable, but others create many difficulties. On the days you feel well, try cooking multiple meals at a time to have food ready when you feel unwell. You can use containers to freeze your food to make it last much longer. All you’ll need to do is reheat it when you’re ready to eat.

Meal prepping can be intimidating for some people. Some recipes require a long list of ingredients and multiple hours to cook. However, there are accessible options to make meals easily. Preppers with chronic conditions should consider using a slow cooker. You can make many dishes that only require placing food in the pot and turning on the machine.

2. Use Easy Cookware

Even easy meals require some preparation before you cook. You may have to slice vegetables, marinate meat, open cans, and perform other tasks. Chronic illnesses can elevate the difficulty, but there are ways you can make it easier. Find cookware that’s easy to use and speeds up the process. These tools may include:

● Food processor: Many preppers practice self-sufficiency by growing their food. Fresh onions, carrots, and peppers from the garden make tasty meals, but slicing and dicing them is easier said than done. Use a food processor or a vegetable slicer to do the hard work. Test the machines to ensure you can easily take them apart and change the blades if needed.

● Electric can opener: Cans should be easy to open, but the ones requiring a can opener can be challenging even for the world’s strongest people. Instead of fooling with the can, get an electric can opener. This device makes life easier when you need canned food – especially when you don’t feel well and only want a can of soup.

● Easy-grip devices: A food processor can reduce the times you’ll need to cut things, but it’s wise to have knives on hand. Cutting may be difficult, so find easy-grip knife handles. Companies make specially designed knives for people with limited grip or dexterity. You’ll also want pots and pans with two handles to protect yourself and your food.

3. Adjust Your Living Space

Meal prepping is terrific for preppers, but how accessible is your kitchen? Your living space is an integral part of your daily life. Your condition may make washing dishes or reaching into cabinets more complicated than you’d like. Explore remodeling parts of your house to make life easier for you and your chronic illness.

A practical place to start is with your flooring. If your illness makes walking more complex, the flooring you choose will significantly affect your comfort throughout the day. Vinyl is a solid choice if you want a floor that’s softer than surfaces like hardwood and easy to clean.

Pick plush carpeting if you want to maximize comfort for your feet. If you’re going to keep your hardwood floors, consider area rugs where you often walk and stand. Some rugs have memory foam to provide extra comfort for your body.

4. Find Ways to Exercise

One part of prepping is getting ready for survival situations. You may need to pack up your belongings and evacuate your area. These scenarios call for stamina and, in some cases, strength. Regular exercise is an excellent way to stay prepared for these circumstances. Chronic illnesses can make physical activity more difficult, but there are ways to get active and stay fit in dangerous situations.

Simply walking is one of the best low-impact exercises. You don’t need any special equipment besides a pair of sneakers to get going. Walking improves your blood flow and strengthens your legs. If walking is too difficult, try exercises you can do while sitting down. Light strength training is excellent for your muscles. Many people use yoga as a pain management regimen. Easy yoga reduces discomfort in your joints and is terrific for those with arthritis.

5. Train for Defensive Situations

SHTF scenarios are already enormously stressful when they happen. But those with disabilities have an even steeper mountain to climb when these situations arise. Additionally, some people out there may perceive disabled people as an easier target. It’s essential to train for defense in the best way you can. Research safety laws in your state on guns, knives, and other weaponry.

A firearm may be your best choice, even if it’s a pocket pistol. Find a firing range in your area and ask an instructor to assist you in learning your weapons. Your teacher can help you determine the best practices based on your chronic illness and the limitations it brings. Prepping for SHTF situations is essential, and weapon training can make a difference in survival when these scenarios occur.

Prepping for Survival Made Easier

Prepping can be tricky, but survival tactics are necessary when the world collapses. It’s hard to predict when war will break out or the economy will crash. Living with a chronic illness makes prepping more difficult, but these five considerations should take some of the stress out of the equation.

About the author

Martin Banks is the managing editor at Modded. Follow him on Twitter @TModded for frequent updates on his work.

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Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

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