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My kundalini yoga YouTube classes – Yogigems

After writing this kundalini yog blog so fastidiously for so many years (I started it in 2013!), I’ve pulled back from it. The main reason for this is the huge change in my morning practice. Previously, I chased one 40/90/120/1000-day kundalini yoga kriya or meditation with another. I recorded my kundalini yoga experiences here. In fact, this blog has been a diary of my practice, and I’m so grateful to have the space to share this. But I have started sharing my practice in a different way – through my kundalini yoga YouTube classes.

A whole new approach to my sadhana

Nowadays, my morning kundalini yoga practice is more haphazard. I practice a kundalini yoga kriya and meditation for one or two days, perhaps even for 11 days which seems to be my maximum. It allows me to savour the flavours, to bask in and familiarise with the energies. Sometimes I’ll circle back to a kriya I’ve done before, depending on how I’m feeling. Most often, I’m compelled to move on and try a new kriya. This is not the way I was trained to practice kundalini yoga. In my level 1 and 2 teacher trainings, I learned that the way to do kundalini yoga is through these extended 40-day practices. Well, what can I say – shaktipad!

Kundalini Yoga with Yogigems on YouTube

My haphazard kaleidoscopic morning practice also means I’m sharing my kundalini yoga experiences with you in a different way. Recently, I created my ‘Kundalini Yoga with Yogigems‘ YouTube channel. Recording kundalini yoga classes on YouTube pushes me very far out of my comfort zone. I feel quite vulnerable about putting myself out there in this way. Of course, it’s vulnerable sharing on this blog, but this is a different kind of vulnerable. I certainly have a renewed respect for content creators!

However, despite cringing OFTEN, I have to get over myself. There’s more at stake than my self-consciousness. Kundalini yoga is my life raft. It has seen me through the past two decades, and it has rescued me time and time again. And if ever there was a moment many of us in this crazy world needed a life raft, it’s now. And so, while many of us are also suffering financially, I feel compelled to put these kundalini yoga YouTube classes out there for anyone who needs them.

I hope my kundalini yoga YouTube channel supports your daily practice. I hope it helps you establish yourself in a steady daily sadhana, which I have always found to be so helpful. Above all, I hope these kundalini yoga YouTube classes inspire you to have fun with these extraordinary, magical kriyas.

Sat nam x

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