May 2022 Wedding Planning Open Thread | A Practical Wedding
One year ago, in May 2021, I wrote a post about my own wedding planning drama and messiness. I was one month out from getting married (!!!), my fiancé (now wife) and I were spending a lot of time crying and having difficult conversations with family and friends whose feelings were hurt by our small wedding plans. I’m here to tell the tale, though. We made it through, we’re married, and we even filed our taxes jointly this year… victory.
Two years ago, in May 2020, I wrote this post when we brought to you the very first in this series of open threads. We knew then, two months into the pandemic, that it was going to be a marathon, not a sprint. And how right we were. These monthly posts have become a wonderful place for folks to find one another, chat about their wedding plans (the good, the bad, and the postponed), and more. We’ve offered free guidance when we can, you’ve crowdsourced answers to questions you have, and you’ve supported each other with patience and understanding.
As we’ve barrelled into the third calendar year of this collective fever dream, it’s become ever more clear that patience, understanding, and ‘complaining breaks’ are exactly what we need. So, friends… here we are again. This is your open thread, your place to be and show up exactly as you are, the space where people will really get what you’re going through, and a place where you can ask for guidance or just simply vent.
Some of you are about to reach the finish line of wedding planning… in a pandemic.
Some of you are recently engaged and diving into planning… in a pandemic (the tail end, we hope).
And many of you have graduated from the wedding planning classes of ’20, ’21, or ’22.
Regardless of where you are on the journey, we’re here for you.
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