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It’s never too late to be you! Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love @RyanJL @HQStories @SarahLundy13 #ArthurAndTeddy
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It’s never too late to be you! Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love @RyanJL @HQStories @SarahLundy13 #ArthurAndTeddy

When 79-year-old Arthur Edwards gathers his family together to share some important news, no one is prepared for the bombshell he drops: he’s gay, and after a lifetime in the closet, he’s finally ready to come out.

Arthur’s 21-year-old grandson, Teddy, has a secret of his own: he’s also gay and developing serious feelings for his colleague Ben. But Teddy doesn’t feel ready to come out yet – especially when Arthur’s announcement causes shockwaves in the family.

Arthur and Teddy have always been close, and now they must navigate first loves, heartbreak, and finding their place in their community. But can they – and their family – learn to accept who they truly are?

I’m not sure about you, but I am so excited about all the books that we will get to see published and read in 2023, including this beautiful, heart-warming debut from Ryan Love.

Thank you goes to Sarah Lundy of HQ Stories for sending me a copy after I fell down the Twotter hole in search of her! Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out has become one of my favourite reads, and Ryan has become one of my auto-buy authors. What a talent!!

Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out is being published THIS April, and it is an absolute must addition to any and every bookworm’s TBR pile!

My rating: 💜💜💜💜💜

Arthur is a 79-year-old grandfather who has been keeping a secret for as long as he can remember. He’s gay, and he’s ready to come out to his family with the support of his wife and best friend. When Elizabeth, his daughter, takes the news extremely badly, this sends shock waves through the family, especially when her son, Teddy, is also hiding that he too is gay.

Arthur and Teddy, grandfather and grandson, alongside each other, begin their journey to becoming who they were meant to be when Teddy meets Ben, his work enemy, something begins to fizzle under the surface, while Teddy and Arthur begin to navigate their new love lives, the story is set to be a heartbreaking one at times, but also a smile-inducing one, filled with life-affirming hope and joy. I adored these characters, and my heart truly belongs to Arthur and Teddy. Ryan’s ability to write characters and storylines that emotionally entwines the reader within the pages of Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out is a talent, causing the reader to become attached to these fictional characters, because these characters could be you, your sibling, your friend or even your grandparent. EVERYONE needs to read this book, EVERYONE is going to love this book 💜


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