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Scrum Team Coaching

How does the SCRUM MASTER Serve Developers in the Scrum team?

Here’s what we will cover in this video: – What is the role of developers in an agile scrum team? – Difference between the role of a developer and scrum master – How does the scrum master coach the developers? – Should the scrum master coach the developers? – How does the scrum master serve the development team as per the scrum guide 2020? – Tips to help the developers as a scrum master – How Does a Scrum Master and developers Collaborate? – How does the scrum master serve the scrum team? – How does the scrum master coach the team members in self-management and cross-functionality? – How does the scrum master help the Scrum Team focus on creating high-value Increments that meet the Definition of Done? – How does the scrum master cause the removal of impediments to the Scrum Team’s progress? – How does the scrum master that all Scrum events take place and are positive, productive, and kept within the timebox? Need additional help? Check out my FREE webclasses here: What this channel is about: The #1 place on YouTube for all things Agile. This channel explores: – Agile methodology, principles and value – Agile advanced scrum masters training – Scrum developer, scrum product owner – Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP) – Agile project management and software development – Agile SAFe – etc. I want to hear from you. Please ask your question, provide feedback and give your point of view on the topic in the comment section below. Thanks for your support

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