Community Risk Reduction Week
The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office thanks Governor Jay Inslee for proclaiming January 16-22, 2023, Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Week.
What is CRR Week?
CRR is a data-driven process that identifies and prioritizes local risks as most fire-related and many medical calls for service are preventable. With the use of CRR strategies, local fire departments can better anticipate emergencies that have the potential to cause loss of life and damage to property and the environment. CRR Week is a grass-roots effort from fire safety professionals and providers from across Washington State and the nation to promote the concepts of CRR.
The State Fire Marshal’s Office and our fire service partners use this process to invest resources in your community, including education, enforcement, engineering, economic incentives, and emergency response. The goal is to get ahead of the call, to reduce- if not eliminate- incidents from occurring. These efforts make our communities safer, and in turn reduces work place hazards for fire service personnel.
CRR is an ongoing process of analyzing and prioritizing risks, and the strategic development and implementation of programs is designed to reduce risks, and assess the effectiveness of these efforts. The CRR process is ongoing, and it engages the community at the local level.
Celebrating its fourth year, this year CRR Week kicks off Monday, January 16th, on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is a National Day of Service. Although CRR Week this year coincides with Dr. King’s day of celebration, CRR is something that applies to any community and at any time.
Data submitted to the State Fire Marshal’s Office from fire departments in Washington State show there were more than 31,357 fire incidents reported in 2022, resulting in 78 civilian fire fatalities, and an estimated $400 million in property damage.
You can practice CRR in your own home
Install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Make and practice home fire escape plans, and store flammables and combustibles in proper containers away from any ignition sources. And always, always, keep matches and lighters away from children.
Also ask your local fire department to conduct a home safety visit for best practices on how to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Along with Governor Jay Inslee, The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office is committed to protecting the residents of this state with the fire service and other public safety professionals through CRR efforts. Click here for the proclamation.
Visit for more information on CRR Week and remember – fire is everyone’s fight!
Washington State Fire Marshal Cross on CRR Week
Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.
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