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Chile Rellenos For Real California Milk
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Chile Rellenos For Real California Milk

Chile Rellenos have been such a big part of my recipe sharing journey. I made my recipe video debut with a chile relleno ‘how-to’ about 10 years ago and have been working on my recipe since then. I used to make them for my grandfather all the time before he passed away, as it was one of his favorite meals. His whole face would light up the second he saw the chiles being charred. Of course, I still make them all year round even though he is no longer of this earth, but feel like they need to be celebrated a little extra during the lent season. That is when he mostly requested them. Chile Rellenos is a dish his mother used to make him as a small boy to observe a meatless meal every Friday during lent.

Find the recipe on The Real California Milk Website:

I am proud to say you can find my Chile Rellenos recipe made with pasilla chiles over on the Real California Milk Website !!! They have an entire section dedicated to the lent season with the most amazing recipes to be inspired by. Don’t forget to look for the Real California Milk seal when selecting your queso for authentic quality sustainably sourced cheese from dairy families.

En Español para mi abuelito!

Los chiles rellenos han sido una gran parte de mi viaje para compartir recetas. Hice mi debut en video de receta con un ‘cómo hacer’ chile relleno hace unos 10 años y he estado trabajando en mi receta desde entonces. Solía hacérselos a mi abuelo todo el tiempo antes de que falleciera, ya que era una de sus comidas favoritas. Toda su cara se iluminaría en el momento en que viera los chiles carbonizados. Por supuesto, todavía los hago durante todo el año a pesar de que él ya no es de esta tierra, pero siento que necesitan celebrarse un poco más durante la temporada de cuaresma.

Me enorgullece decir que pueden encontrar mi receta de Chiles Rellenos hecha con chiles pasilla en el sitio web de Real California Milk!!! Tienen una sección completa dedicada a la temporada de cuaresma con las recetas más sorprendentes para inspirarse. No se olvide de buscar el sello Real California Milk cuando seleccione su queso para obtener queso de calidad auténtica procedente de fuentes sostenibles de familias lecheras.

The post Chile Rellenos For Real California Milk appeared first on Presley's Pantry.

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