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Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure – Part 14 – Anti Patterns

Meeting with Zhamak at Big Data London

On 21st Sept 2022 I attended the first day of the Big Data London (BDL) conference held at the London Olympia. My main reason for travelling to the conference was simple, to see and speak with Zhamak Dehghani.

In short, objective achieved, including clearing the air from those negative LinkedIn conversations 🙂

Despite the jet lag Zhamak delivered an excellent keynote session on Data Mesh implementation and later participated in a panel debate with other industry leaders on ‘Data Mesh – What you need to know’. A few pictures below.

The key takeaway from the keynote session for me was a new avenue of thinking relating to Data Mesh Anti-Patterns. In particular, Zhamak’s statements:

  • technology gaps lead to anti-patterns.
  • what got us here, won’t take us there.

Yes, exactly! *Applause*

For well over a year now I’ve been struggling with this problem. Talking about and questioning what technology should be used for certain aspects of data mesh implementations. From the BDL session, this open acceptance that we still have a technology gap was really refreshing to hear and embracing these gaps together, rather than forcing the implementation, resulting in anti-pattern deliveries.

Zhamak is clear on the north star for data mesh and beyond. As practitioners, we need to continue working through these technical problems, with support from software vendors.

Lots more thinking to come here. Stay tuned. I just wanted to publish a quick post while this is front of mind.

Many thanks for reading

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