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Custom designed pair of wedding rings
Engagement Rings

Biggest is Not the Best | More than Diamonds

A new generation of jewellery wearers are redefining luxury. Gone are the days of surprise engagement rings and impressing through Diamond size. Cue the practical generation. Their rings are made to be worn, not kept in the safe. They make sure that there is money left for the downpayment of a home as well as the (instagrammable) wedding party.

Dressing up the one ring with three Diamonds, making it the perfect blend between a wedding and engagement ring. Drawing inspiration from the three Diamonds, the Men’s ring has three edges.

With house prices rising and job security declining, it is more common to work around a maximum budget than a minimum one (which used to be the old bench-mark of three months’ salary). With customers becoming more practical, we also get more couples designing their engagement and wedding rings together. And since women are participating from the start of the process, we also see more of them choosing to wear only one ring as a combined engagement and wedding ring. But there are also some who simply don’t feel the need to get yet another ring after the engagement ring that their fiancé designed for them. Perhaps this is due to the Diamond solitaire giving way to more creative designs, blurring the lines between engagement and wedding ring altogether.

Trillion cut diamond in engagement ring

With an engagement ring this special, there is no need to add a wedding ring. His wedding ring follows her step-shape but contrasts her trillion cut diamond with a round black diamond. Matching rather than identical – the More than Diamonds way 🙂

We often joke about being the only jewellers in town who encourage our customers to choose smaller. But we seriously do take pride in helming this new trend. For us, designing jewellery has always been about the creative process and good solutions, not the ‘glamour’. We welcome customers who want something different and personal and don’t really follow any rules other than Simple is best and Less is more.

Redefining luxury – getting what you want instead of getting the biggest.

Others who stopped at one (or three)
Wedding Cube Ring
Inherited Diamond for Engagement Ring
A Different Kind of Proposal Item

Matching Rather than Identical
Inspired by the Crown of Thorns
Matching Rather than Identical III
Ouroboros Rings in Two Versions

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