Best of Both Worlds podcast: Upgrade or Make do? Plus the Pebbles in our Shoes – Laura Vanderkam
Back when Sarah and I did our fall retreat, we came up with a bunch of concept episodes, and today’s is one of them. In this week’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, we’re talking upgrades. What, in life, is worth upgrading? What areas are perfectly fine just the way they are?
Sometimes solving small problems can lead to major life upgrades, so in this episode we also discuss “pebbles in our shoes” — little annoyances that we’re aiming to change. In my case, I committed to putting a desk and chair in my podcasting closet so I didn’t have to sit on the floor (which I’d been doing for…a year).
I’m happy to report that’s now happened! (Check out @lvanderkam on Instagram for a photo). It’s a makeshift desk (piece of wood on top of some filing boxes) but whatever. It works.
In the Q&A a listener asks how to handle her company’s new “unlimited vacation” policy. As someone with significant seniority, she’d accrued many weeks of vacation time, and now she’s not sure how to take time off when it’s not officially “earned.” We offer some suggestions, both practical and in terms of how she thinks about vacation in a new environment.
Please give the episode a listen, and please consider leaving us a rating or a review. If you listen to podcasts through Apple podcasts on your iPhone, just go to the show page and scroll down through recent episodes. You’ll see a heading called “Ratings & Reviews.” You could just quickly tap the stars to give us a 5-star rating (thank you!). Or if you’re so inclined, you can tap the “Write a Review” link right below the highlighted review to say what you like about the show. One or two sentences is totally fine. Thanks for considering it!
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