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An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography
Hen Party

An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower

The theme for this rustic bridal shower was antiques and ivory, incorporating lots of vintage pieces like typewriters and hat boxes with ivory letters, flowers and a stunning white cake. Bride Ali’s bridesmaids went above and beyond with their DIY decorations—her bridesmaid Nicole created all of the calligraphy chalkboard signs for the party, including a welcome board and a sign on the succulent favor table. My favorite special touch is the white roses Ali’s fiancé sent her, each with a tag on it sharing one thing he loves about Ali! Avonne Photography was there to capture this stunning rustic bridal shower.

Hand lettered rustic chalkboard sign for a bridal shower. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography Bridal shower dessert table. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography White bridal shower cake on a vintage hat box. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography Gift table for a bridal shower. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography Our fairytale begins hand lettered sign. [vimar_seo_links]
 An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography” width=”625″ height=”417″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=” 1000w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 624w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” data-lazy-src=”″ srcset=”″/><noscript><img decoding= Succulent party favor table. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography Hand lettered chalkboard sign for a succulent party favor table. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography The groom brought the bride a dozen white roses, each with a tag listing one thing he loves about her. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography White bridal shower cake on a vintage hat box. An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography An Antiques and Ivory Rustic Bridal Shower | Ultimate Bridesmaid | Avonne Photography

Photography:  Avonne Photography | Makeup: Nicole Padgett | Cake: Suárez Bakery | Chalkboard calligraphy signs: Joely Lane Lettering

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