3 Ways To Work Smartly On Your Blog.
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There are so many methods that you can implement on your blog in order to grow your website , gain traffic & followers which will take time but are obviously effective in their own ways but I think it’s important to find techniques to work smartly as well.
Not every blogger has a lot of time to spare on their websites and sometimes life can be hectic as it is and it can be difficult to maintain & manage your blog. In today’s post, I wanted to share with you 3 ways to work smartly on your blog which will not only save you time but also a lot of energy too. As always, if you are interested keep on reading!
Il y a tellement de méthodes que vous pouvez mettre en œuvre sur votre blog afin de développer votre site Web, gagner du trafic et des abonnés qui prendront du temps mais sont évidemment efficaces à leur manière, mais je pense qu’il est également important de trouver des techniques pour travailler intelligemment.
Tous les blogueurs n’ont pas beaucoup de temps à perdre sur leurs sites Web et parfois la vie peut être mouvementée et il peut être difficile de maintenir et de gérer votre blog. Dans l’article d’aujourd’hui, je voulais partager avec vous 3 façons de travailler intelligemment sur votre blog qui vous feront non seulement gagner du temps mais aussi beaucoup d’énergie. Comme toujours, si vous êtes intéressé, continuez à lire!
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This is something I’ve mentioned on my blog but working on your phone will save you a lot of time when it comes to your website whether it’s brainstorming blog post ideas, writing articles, editing pictures, managing your social media accounts, etc. You can easily write a few sentences while you are on your lunch break or commuting, or pretty much wherever you are which is very convenient. It’s worth mentioning that you can download the WordPress app on your phone as well if you would like to reply to comments or customise your website.
Related: 10 Blogging Tasks To Do From Your Phone
You don’t have to write your blog posts the same week or even on the same day you publish them, writing them beforehand will not only save you time but also a lot of stress. This will allow you to work on other things or to even take a break from your blog and you won’t have to worry about your blog’s growth or anything. This is something that will obviously take a lot of preparation but if you combine it with the previous point, you can easily write 2 to 3 articles per week and have a month’s worth content within a week.
Related: 10 Ways To Share Your Blog Posts
Last but not least, make sure to take advantage of the blogging resources that are provided to you whether it’s the ones provided by other bloggers or programmers. They are there for a reason and you might find some gems, some might help you in terms of time management whilst others might help you in terms of growth & traffic. Even if you think you don’t need any advice, tip or resource – please still make sure to check it out.
Related: 10 Must Have Blogging Resources
Thank you so much for reading! – xo N
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