2020 Portfolio
Although many of us are ready to say goodbye to 2020, I can’t help but reflect on the past year- despite the chaos- I did have a wonderful year. We were surrounded by our wonderful crew who kept us sane during such a weird time in not only the United States of America but the freaking WORLD!? My heart goes out to all of those who have been affected by the pandemic. For the family and friends you have lost- may you find peace. For those of you who have work so very hard on your business only for it to be dismantled abruptly- may you rebuild back bigger then ever! I implore YOU. Keep fighting. Stay Strong. Have faith!
Goodbye 2020! I made lovely creations for old clients as well as I got to meet some new customers! Refinishing a total of 64 pieces: 6 First Dibs, 2 pieces created with my mother, and the rest custom orders! YIPPEE! Thank you!
You are all truly amazing humans! Thank you for your support!
“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before” – Neil Gaiman
The first piece I created in 2020 was one I did with my mother. Maureen Flanigan used her creativity and painted a farm house by hand on an antique tall boy dresser. I have him placed in my home and view it daily. Completely in love by it still. The furniture pieces I created this year didn’t give me much trouble, or maybe perhaps I am gaining confidence. I’m not sure what to make of it, but I did enjoy each furniture piece and am incredibly grateful by all of them!
I didn’t set a goal for myself in 2020 which is rather odd. I have made goals for myself each year and did my best to fulfill each one of them and apply them to my life at home and at Second Chance Charms. I am NOT SAYING that the fate of the WORLD is on my shoulders, but I find it rather odd how our past year was basically a shit show and I didn’t have a goal…. ha ha I’m kidding- But just in case I better come up with a 2021 goal!.. because it seems rather coincidental 😉
I’m super excited for 2021 and growing Second Chance Charms. Modifying my creativity into something more. Pushing past mind barriers and really jumping in with both feet. Lets see what becomes of 2021!
Thank you again, for your continued support. having be apart of your homes and gifts for loved ones!
Much love, Becca

Thank you 2020!
xoxo Becca
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